Who Lie more .. Men or Women? Research Revealed - Poonam Hub


Tuesday 31 December 2019

Who Lie more .. Men or Women? Research Revealed

Who Lie more .. Men or Women? Research Revealed

Many kinds of things are said about the lie. There are also many proverbs, such as lying is a sin, if you lie crow bites, etc. It is also said that lying is not a good habit, but sometimes a lie spoken for one's good is right. Do you know that men lie better than women. This has been revealed in research. Let us know in detail:

When it comes to lying, men lie better than women. According to Portsmouth University in the UK, a person who is a liar is a good speaker and lies more to his family, friends, partners, and colleagues than to others.

Researchers say that a person who specializes in lying is more likely to lie face-to-face than a message, and social media is a place where they lie very little.

The study, published in the journal PLOS One, states that person who lies half of the conversation is small in numbers and that they lie to get rid of their close ones or to forgive them.

Who Lie more .. Men or Women? Research Revealed

According to another study in this regard, a man usually lies three times a day and about 1,092 times a year. On the other hand, a woman lies only 728 times a year.

This study also states that women are more likely to lie under certain circumstances. For example, when she buys clothes, she lies more.

The study says that people lie even with the aim of making life comfortable. It is often said that the tongue of men leads to more lies than women and now this fact has also been proved through these studies.

That is all in this article. If I miss out some points, you can suggest to me in the comment box.

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