10 Health Benefits of Spices you may know - Poonam Hub


Saturday 22 February 2020

10 Health Benefits of Spices you may know

10 Health Benefits of Spices

Spices are very beneficial for health. Spices not only enhance the taste of your food but also keep your health right. Eating spices reduces the risk of many diseases because they are full of medicinal properties. Every Indian spice has a different taste. Let us know how the spices you use in food to enhance your taste can benefit your health.

10 Health Benefits of Spices you may know

Bay Leaf Benefits

Bay Leaf Benefits

First of all, we talk about bay leaves in spices. Bay leaf not only enhances the taste of your food but also keeps your health right. Bay leaves contain protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin C. Eating bay leaves does not cause depression. Bay leaf is also beneficial in diabetes. The use of bay leaves in food keeps glucose levels low and reduces bad cholesterol. Bay leaves also contain copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, selenium, and iron, which are beneficial for health. Bay leaf is beneficial in all types of stomach problems.

Cumin Water Benefits

Cumin Water Benefits

After the bay leaves, we talk about cumin seeds. Every vegetable is incomplete without cumin seeds. Cumin not only enhances the taste of your food but also gives you comfort in all the stomach troubles. You can also use cumin as a home remedy. Cumin contains a good amount of iron, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Apart from this, many vitamins are also found in cumin. Cumin seeds are hot, so it helps to overcome problems related to Vata and phlegm. If you have a constipation problem, you can drink cumin water every morning.

Black Pepper Benefits

Black Pepper Benefits

Black leaves are also used to enhance the taste, along with bay leaves, cumin seeds. Black pepper has anti-bacterial properties. Black pepper relieves digestive system problems ranging from cold and cough. If you have a cold and cough, you should eat a little pepper powder mixed with honey. This will give you immediate relief. Black pepper contains antibacterial ingredients, which help protect you from infection.

Cinnamon Benefits

Cinnamon Benefits

Similarly, cinnamon, mace, and nutmeg are also very beneficial for health. Cinnamon has antioxidant properties, due to which it reduces the risk of heart diseases. Similarly, javitri not only enhances your taste but also reduces the risk of many diseases ranging from dental problems to the digestive system. Potassium and calcium are found in the nutmeg, which strengthens the body's immunity.

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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. We do not claim responsibility for this information.

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