If gentleness makes you weak, then do these 8 things on time - Poonam Hub


Thursday 3 June 2021

If gentleness makes you weak, then do these 8 things on time


If gentleness makes you weak, then do these 8 things on time

Simar has been so gentle since childhood. Mom and Dad spoke to her in a slightly louder voice that immediately brought tears to her eyes.

Seeing her temperament, college girls used to tease her more. She pays more attention to whether someone is talking to you than to live freely.

If the mother-in-law comes after getting married, then the mother-in-law if is wicked and the husband is very talkative. She did not know how to live in a new house

Where there is confusion. The girl who learned so much, but everyone understood, it is very strange. ‘What is the use of her education?

She had to prove that she is soft but not weak. She doesn't need a counselor for that, but she needs someone close to her to understand and explain.

A person should be emotional but be careful not to hurt him. Then she met Godfather and Simar’s life went on smoothly.

Read the rest of this article on how she changed herself….

1. Write down what you think

Writing your own diary is a great option if you want to free your mind. Which will be in your own language.


No one will disturb you by making technical mistakes such as whether the grammar is correct, whether the letter is legible, whether the structure of the subject is correct.

This writing will be yours and yours alone. It should tell you exactly what hurts you.

2. Note the exact points

Read carefully what you have written. Understand where and what is missing. Don't be offended if it is your own fault and someone else points it out.

Improve if you can, ignore it. People who make mistakes will come and go. Don't bother yourself for that.

3. Don't be harsh with yourself

It doesn't matter if you are emotional or gentle. But if it is excessive and hurts itself, then it should be considered.

If this continues for a long time, only mental stress is created. Feeling constantly annoyed. No, those thoughts start to take root in the head.

At such times, try to throw away this burden. Listen to songs to improve your mood, watch comedy movies, go for walks where you feel fresh. Focus on the positive.


4. Stop thinking too much.

He thought that this would be a problem for him.

At such times, even things that are unlikely to happen start to get confused. When we think negatively, the result is that people start looking at us the same way and the image of our own society deteriorates.

If you want to keep yourself calm and happy, stop building bungalows of such negative thoughts.


5. Give feedback by thinking.

There is no need to react immediately if something goes wrong. Wait a minute.

If you meet, go back two steps. Try to keep the atmosphere calm. Avoid being misunderstood or thinking negatively about someone over small things.

Maybe the situation is wrong. See if you can understand the situation rather than misunderstand and break people. Momentary anger can hurt forever.

Your actions are not always appreciated. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo.


6. Ask yourself the question and find the answer

Don't feel bad if someone points out your mistake. Be sure to try to correct the mistake.

The people around are of different temperaments. Not everyone will be as you expect.

Try to adapt to them. Learn to ask yourself questions. See how appropriate the feedback from others is.

Such things do not always have to come to mind. They should be able to leave wherever they are.


7. Not everything happens to you

We are like all four. Something happens in our lives just like what happens in the lives of others.

Everyone wants to solve their own problems. This can lead to some problems. There is a noise coming from the pot.

Husband and wife will both be employed, if both of them have work stress, then from the housework a little bit of you will be me. So don't assume that some people are trying to hurt me. Compromise quietly. One solution should not be to cut a wound in two. It only hurts itself.

8. Have patience

No one's temperament changes drastically. It also takes time to reduce excessive lightness. Give yourself that much time.Don't expect instant change. Gradually change yourself. Feel the peace that comes from it.


Avoid making hasty decisions and reacting. Learn to think calmly about the situation. The experience you get from it will only reduce your extreme tenderness.

Nishad's grandmother used to say while blessing him, 'Be wise, be smart, be big' Surrounding conditions make a person wise. One should be able to behave wisely in difficult situations.

If we give up impatience and keep restraint, if we reduce gentleness, then man automatically grows from experience.

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