9 Things every couple should discuss before getting married | Relationship Tip - Poonam Hub


Friday 20 December 2019

9 Things every couple should discuss before getting married | Relationship Tip

9 Things every couple should discuss before getting marriage | Relationship Tip

Marriage is not only about two boys and girls but also to build a relationship between two families. In our society, marriage is given special importance. But important things about marriage, vigilance, and learning to take important decisions for the strengthening of the relationship are not given any importance.

Parents feel that the matter is confirmed, so until marriage, the children should also avoid any such thing, which causes problems in the marriage. But people's thinking is changing over time. It is also important to understand the seriousness of the relationship like marriage and consider every aspect related to it so that there is no problem in the future. Come, know about those 9 things related to marriage, on which both of you need to be agreed ...

Each other's thinking

Every person's thinking is different. In such a situation, it is not necessary that both of you have the same views and it is not possible. But can you deal with his thinking? Somewhere the partner is not very much an egoist, somewhere not very stubborn, somewhere not having very backward views, somewhere very expensive or very stingy, etc. Discussion is necessary.


What is the opinion of both of you on your career and how you can support each other, consent on these things is the most important thing before marriage. After marriage, you should also consider how you will advance your career.

Family planning

If there is no planning for the child already, this decision will force a lot of change. This decision will affect your career from finance.


You can know from each other's thoughts that the boy or his family is not expecting much. Is the boy not dreaming of a big car or bike, etc. Many times it happens that after marriage, the boy leaves his job and starts doing business. In such a situation, it is important that you know before marriage what kind of financial planning is there after marriage.


It would be better to show your real side instead of impressing each other so that there is no confusion. Be sure to inquire about the habits of both of you, such as eating habits, hygiene habits, money related, cigarette-alcohol, working habits.

9 Things every couple should discuss before getting marriage | Relationship Tip

household work

If both of you are working then the housework should also be done together. Doing so does not put too much burden on a single person. Therefore, before marriage, you must also discuss this aspect.


Careless attitude causes problems in every relationship, whether it is from the boy or from the girl. It is also important to talk about how responsible your partner is, how serious it is.

Financial Planning

It would be better to discuss your joint accounts, independent accounts, your salary, savings, household expenses, and responsibilities, what parts will be paid, who will have to be ready to spend, etc. Later, these things cause controversy.

Maternal Home responsibilities

After marriage, how do you want to help your maternal home and how important it is, please tell your partner about it so that there is no dispute about it.

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