If the tongue burns, then follow these 9 home remedies - Poonam Hub


Monday 7 June 2021

If the tongue burns, then follow these 9 home remedies


If the tongue burns, then follow these 9 home remedies

Eating or drinking too hot is also not good for our health, we should

 try not to take excessively hot food or drink

Often our tongue gets burnt by eating some hot food or drinking hot water or tea, coffee. After this the taste of our tongue gets spoiled, there is always some strange feeling in the mouth.

Eating or drinking too hot is also not good for our health, we should try not to take excessively hot food or drink.

When such problems come in front of you due to burning of tongue, then we will give you information about how to treat them with home remedies.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a very effective remedy for burning of the tongue. Soda of alkaline nature gives great relief in burning sensation of the tongue. Dissolving it in water and rinsing with it is very effective.


Aloe vera gel

Aloe Vera is very beneficial in burning tongue. The use of its gel is very effective in burning sensation. It can also be applied on the tongue by depositing it in ice cubes.

curd is effective

Curd is very beneficial in burning of tongue. Take curd in a spoon and keep it in the mouth for some time. You will get a lot of relief from its coolness.


eat plain food

In case of burning of the tongue, try to eat less spicy food. Eating simple food keeps the stomach cool and your tongue recovers quickly.



Sprinkle a pinch of sugar on the burnt part of the tongue and keep it for some time. Keep it that way till the sugar dissolves. By doing this, you will get a lot of relief in burning and pain.

ice cube is beneficial

Remove the ice cube from the fridge and suck it. Doing this will give you a lot of relief. Note one thing, that before using ice, you should moisten it lightly with normal water. This will prevent the ice from sticking to the tongue.

use honey


The use of honey is very beneficial in burning tongue. It is a natural relaxant.

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