Follow these 5 tips to get long and beautiful nails - Poonam Hub


Monday 7 June 2021

Follow these 5 tips to get long and beautiful nails

 Sometimes nails break due to hormonal reasons too. Let us tell you what you can do to get beautiful nails.

The beauty of hands increases with long nails. But for this it is very important for the nail to be strong and in shape. You can also decorate long nails by making different types of nail art. But many girls complain that their nails break as they grow. In such a situation, they never get the perfect shape which is expected.

But have you ever wondered why nails break? Sometimes nails break due to hormonal reasons too. Let us tell you what you can do to get beautiful nails.

Orange juice and egg whites

Take out the white part of the egg in a bowl. Add two spoons of orange juice to it. Leave this solution on your nails for 5 minutes. It contains vitamin C which produces collagen, which makes nails strong.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Take a teaspoon of grated garlic and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to it. Apply it on your nails and leave it for 10 minutes. After that wash the hands with clean water.

3. Massage with Olive Oil

Massage your nails by applying olive oil. It contains Vitamin E which provides nourishment to the nails, making the nails grow faster.

4. Using Garlic

Take a clove of garlic. Take off its peels. Cut the bud in the middle and rub it on your nails for 10 minutes. You will start seeing results within 10 days of doing this.

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