Business Tips: Learn the truth about big goals first - Poonam Hub


Tuesday 14 November 2017

Business Tips: Learn the truth about big goals first

Business Tips: Learn the truth about big goals first

The Big Goal First

Pick the biggest, most important, most exciting goal from that list. By the time you get done with this section, you're going to have a plan to achieve it.

Let's start with something as simple as an example. A fancy house in  Beverly Hills, with a Mercedes and a yacht.

To get that, all you need is:

1. A mountain of money, or a big pile of it and good credit.

2. Sufficient income to support them.

That's it. And that stuff isn't nearly as hard to come by as it sounds.  But that's not goal setting. That's "I want."

You need a plan to get the money. We'll get to that in a bit.

First, consider the following questions:

1. How much is this gonna cost, anyway? Assuming I just went in and paid cash right now?

2. How can I get this cheaper? If I can get it at a lower cost, I can cut the time needed to achieve the goal.

3. Who do I ask to get that information? How do I find out the best ways to save money on a house in Beverly Hills?


At this point, all you're doing is getting warmed up. Getting a bird's eye view of the terrain, as it were. This is important, as it helps you to get a general picture of the things you need to know and to have to make the goal reality.

And you've already started thinking of alternatives. Ways to shorten the time between here and there.

Take a look at your big goal. What do you need to get to make it happen? Do you really need that, or is there some way you can shorten the process? What do you have to trade along the way? Who can you learn from to find these things out?

Take a few minutes and think about these things right now. 

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