10 Tips for Healthy Relationship - Poonam Hub


Friday 7 February 2020

10 Tips for Healthy Relationship

10 Tips for Healthy Relationship

Hello Guys, in this article we will have long discussion about Relationship. Today in this article, I am giving you 10 tips about a relationship so that your relationship will never get a problem in the future. The relationship should be maintained with a mutual understanding of each other. Here are the best 10 tips for a healthy relationship.

 10 Tips for Healthy Relationship

Write it down.

Write it down.

This might sound crazy, but before you'll find the partner of your dreams, you would like to define what that partner is. By this, I mean a comprehensive description of the traits you would like them to possess, the fundamentals of appearance, kinds of interests, hobbies, etc.
It’s known the incontrovertible fact that to realize your goals, you initially got to define them clearly and write them down. Goal setting coaches have been saying this for 50+ years. So, why should it's any different when it involves finding your dream partner.

As to why you should write down the details - simple really. It helps you focus on what you are looking for, and whenever you encounter a prospective partner, but you’re just not 100% sure about whether they are right for you or not, you just grab your “list” and see where they match up and where they don’t.

Be realistic.

Be realistic.

This one is perhaps one of the toughest ones to deal with when looking for a dream partner. We all have these preconceptions of what reasonably partner we might like (ie. rich, film star attractive, no baggage, etc), but we even have to stay in mind 2 things.

Firstly, no one is perfect. Absolutely no one! So, if your expectations are that your partner is going to be perfect, then you would possibly also quit looking now because you're only getting to find yourself being disappointed. On the other side, someone might be perfect for you - and there’s an enormous difference between the 2.

The second thing to stay in mind is that simply because you've got met someone perfect for you, doesn't mean to mention they think you're perfect for them!

You’ll even have to take care of this issue, and quickly, because otherwise, things are reaching to get nasty real quick.

For example (extreme example, admittedly), let’s say you are a 62-year-old person who is unhealthy, unfit, a smoker, heavy drinker & are financially not well off. Now, you might WISH to land yourself a gorgeous 22-year-old hottie that will fulfill all your fantasies, but let’s be honest. The chances of that happening are extraordinarily low to non-existent. You just are not a good fit for the hottie, so you need to be (somewhat) realistic.

Have a Positive expectation.

Have a Positive expectation.

After point number 2 (be realistic), you might have just decided to give up and never try again. Well, that leads us on to #3, which is that you also have to be positive about finding someone.

If you're out there “on the market” long enough, and actively looking (rather than staying home and watching TV and expecting your perfect match to steer in off the road and play your door), you'll eventually meet some great people, a number of whom are going to be good possibilities.

In my case, after my separation (and subsequent divorce) in 2002, I started back on the dating scene eventually but didn’t have much luck for at least 6 months. Every time I met someone, it didn’t seem to travel well, and that I nearly gave up so again and again.

However, over time, I did manage to meet some nice ladies, and eventually (about 2 years down the track), I met someone wonderful, we eventually fell in love. She was a new person who just happened to be right for me, and it would never have happened if I had given up after the first disastrous couple of dates.

There’s a classic cliche that is so true, that it bears repeating here:

You get what you expect!

In other words, if you expect to fulfill the partner of your dreams and develop an excellent relationship with them, then that’s what is going to eventually happen. On the other hand, if you don’t expect to meet your dream partner and end up together, then that’s what will happen. It’s your choice - which is fabulous news IF you understood what I just said.

Clean Up Your Act.

Clean Up Your Act.

In order for you to be the person that your dream partner is looking for, you first need to be the best you that you can be.

Tips to find the partners of your dreams:

This means that you simply might get to do some work on yourself. Are you as fit, healthy & look the best you can? If not, then are you prepared to work on it? Do you dress nicely, and make sure your hair looks good, your teeth are cleaned and even gargle with mouthwash - ’cause nobody wants to date halitosis-breath!) ;-)

No one is perfect physically. Heck, I should know. I’m overweight and could certainly stand to lose quite a few pounds/kilos, but, when I’m out there dating, I dress neatly, always shower, shave, do my teeth & even splash on a small amount of quality cologne (my poison of choice is Ralph Lauren’s, Romance Silver) :), just to make sure I present myself in the best possible light.

Nothing turns off a potential partner quite like you turning up looking scruffy, wearing un-ironed clothes, and not having made an effort. You don’t need to go out and buy lots of expensive clothes to do this either. I shop at KMart or Target for most of my clothes (I’m not a name-brand clothes shopper), and they ain’t fancy…BUT the prices are good and the clothes are usually nice. If you’ve got no fashion sense, bribe a friend who has, to come with you and help you choose one or two nice outfits.

Get Out There and Meet People.

Get Out There and Meet People.

The most amusing thing I have noticed about people wanting to find a partner, but who haven’t is that they usually stay home and never go out to meet new people. Your dream date ain't gonna come knocking on your door one evening and beg you to come out on a date with them, so get up from the sofa, clean yourself up and leave and meet new people.

Where and how is really up to your own personal preference. Myself - I hate pubs and clubs, so I would never believe those venues as a way of meeting a possible partner. On the other hand, perhaps you like those kinds of places. If so, great! Just be sure you go to a place that is likely to attract the kind of people you want to meet.

If you’re a lady looking for an educated intellectual kind of guy (like one friend of mine), then you probably won’t meet him at a rough pub where the blue-collar workers hang out all evening drinking & smoking themselves silly. Go to an upmarket place that will attract the kind of person/s you want to meet.

My personal favorite is online (or Internet) dating. I have done nearly all my dating via this medium within the last 3 years, and with several exceptions, I even have found it to be an excellent solution to meet women without having to try to to the pub/club crawl.

Join a group, take up a sport or a hobby where you'll meet prospective partners. Get into a book club, or photography, or whatever. There are so many choices to pick from - you’re bound to find one option that appeals to you.

If you don’t get out there to meet new people, you’ll never meet the partner of your dreams, so go out there now, and remember to have fun, whatever you choose to do.

Understand The Dynamics of The First date.

Understand The Dynamics of The First date.

Most of the mistakes are made on the first date, which usually means there isn’t a 2nd date!

Here’s a few I have made, or learned about the hard way:

Remember the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep it Simple Stupid). Make the first date something simple, like meeting for a coffee for 1 hour. That way, if they turn out to be the date from hell (or they think you are!), then either of you can do a runner quickly, without being locked into something drastic.

Guys, it may be an old-world gentlemanly tradition, but resist the temptation to take a lady out to a fancy restaurant and buy her expensive flowers/gifts on the first date. K.I.S.S. - Trust me on this one.

Ladies, if a guy is a gentleman and doesn’t follow my instructions :) then at least have the good manners to thank him for a lovely night, and for paying for the meal, etc. I’m consistently amazed at how often that does not happen. It doesn’t matter whether you want to see him or not - just show some manners. Actually, this equally applies to guys who are gone on date with their partner.

Never, under any circumstances, have sex on the first date (men or women)! Trust me when I say that if a serious relationship with the partner of your dreams is your chief goal, then leave the sex until a little later. Don’t let lust cloud your judgment, because it only ever leads to grief. A kiss goodbye is fine though…

Understand that the true objective of the first “date” is not to meet the partner of your dreams, but to decide if you like this person enough (and they feel the same about you) to meet again for a 2nd date. Keep things fun and casual - enjoy yourself, because even though you don’t fall loving, you'll make a brand new best friend!

You don’t fall in love on the first date, no matter how stunningly attractive your date is! And, if you do think you have fallen in love on the first date, it’s actually lust. A complex series of chemical reactions and mental/emotional connections is what causes you to THINK you're enamored. Trust me when I tell you it does not love. Love takes time to develop and is totally worth the time and effort.



Bet you’re wondering what the heck this means?!?!?! :-)

It’s the attitude you would like to stay foremost in your mind once you start dating because I can guarantee you're getting to hit some snags along the journey. And, when you hit those snags (and I could, and probably will one day, write a book about the snags I hit over the years), then you need something aside from pure willpower to keep you going.

What does SWSWSW actually mean? Simply, it means some of the prospective partners you meet will be good candidates and hopefully even turn into the partner of your dreams, and others won’t! The key is, when they are a no, you have to take the attitude of “So What!”, and move onto the next prospective candidate (Next!).

My favorite saying to myself and my friends when they have been out there dating is: “You only need to meet one right person! All the rest don’t matter…”

If that’s the case, then you should keep in mind that some of the people you chat with, an email with, or even meet for a date, will turn out to be NOT RIGHT FOR YOU! Pick yourself up off the floor, dust yourself down, and move on to the next one. At the end of the day, it’s the only way to keep sane when things seem like they are going downhill faster than an anvil falling from 20,000 ft!

It’s the only thing that kept my friend going when the guy she started dating turned out to be gay!

Remember, you'll get over it, so just keep it up keeping on, and remember SWSWSW Next!, and you’ll be a relationship winner in time.

Do’s and Dont’s of Winning That Someone Special.

Do’s and Dont’s of Winning That Someone Special.

This topic by itself could take up a 20 chapter book and still probably require more content, but we don’t have that much space, so here are some killers I can personally vouch for.

Be honest. Nothing gets a prospective partner annoyed with you faster than dishonesty. Don’t tell them over the phone that you are 30, fit & athletic and good looking if you are 43, out of shape and definitely not attractive. Likewise, don’t tell them you are a non-smoker if you do smoke, etc.

Don’t be desperate. There is always another person for you to fulfill. Always someone who might be nearly as good a partner because the one you're finding out now. So, don’t gush everywhere them on day 1, and tell them you're keen on them on day 2, or ask them once they would really like to meet your family and friends on day 3. 1 step at a time, tiger… Nothing puts a prospective pair like desperation - it’s about as sexy as hemorrhoids :-)

Don’t spend all the time talking about yourself. Ask them questions on themselves and hear their answers. People like people who want to know about them, as opposed to telling someone all about themselves. Don’t be so self-indulgent that you dominate the conversation with your self-centered anecdotes, because all you’ll do is show yourself to be egotistical and/or having a really poor self-image. Neither trait is attractive. Learn About Yourself And What Makes Relationships Work.

I will make you a promise right here and now, even though I don’t know you, and I guarantee you that I will be 100% correct every time!

That promise is this: Most of the problems you have in any relationship will be because of hidden baggage in your head and/or your partner’s head… and, the only way to deal with this problem is to communicate openly (see the next point) and associate each other deals with these problems.

The worst part of this is often that sometimes you or your partner won't be fully conscious of these hidden “relationship landmines”, but you'll keep stepping on each other’s mines overtime, and if there’s one thing that’s bound to destroy a relationship, it’s fighting and dissatisfaction with one another, which is that the typical outcome of exploding relationship landmines.

In my opinion, one of the very best books you could ever buy and read on this subject, as a way to help you understand what makes you and your partner tick is: “Keeping The Love You Find - A Single Person’s Guide To Achieving Lasting Love” by Dr. Harville Hendrix. This book was a lifesaver for me when my above-mentioned relationship broke up. It helped me understand WHY this happened and what I brought to the relationship that helped cause it, and what my then-partner brought to it that also caused it to collapse.

Dr. Hendrix has also written a similar book for Couples. I haven’t read that yet, but if it’s half as good as this one was, I recommend all couples buy it and read it together.

No, I don’t know Dr Hendrix, but what I do know is that this book made an enormous difference in my life, and if it helps even 1 other person love it helped me, then it'll are worthwhile telling you about it.

Communication Makes It All Work.

Communication Makes It All Work.

This last point is really the BIG ONE (!) that can make or break a relationship.

You see, without open and honest communication between 2 people in a relationship, the chances of that relationship lasting and both people being happy and fulfilled in it is a big FAT ZERO!!!

The real challenge is that communication isn't easy for a few people. They don’t like discussing their feelings and thoughts, especially if they feel those topics will mention strong emotional feelings of pain or discomfort for them.

Even though I consider myself an honest communicator, I even have also learned to my detriment that I needed some more work there in past relationships. One of my personal weaknesses is a strong dislike of confrontation and telling my partner when I am not happy about something they have said or done. There’s a hidden psychological reason for why I act this way (something I have identified), but at the end of the day, it gets in the road of a powerful self-expressed relationship.

Every single person out there was an issue (or more than one) hidden below the surface, and until we can identify that issue, we can’t deal with it. However, if this issue causes the problem within a relationship, then you will need to learn to communicate with your partner in an open and honest manner, in order to help them understand why you say and do the things you do.

Understanding the difficulty is that the initiative of handling these hidden problems, which comes from communication between two people. If one partner is not open to communication, you’ll eventually find the relationship will not work, so choose carefully when it comes to picking your dream partner. An open honest communicator is far more important than somebody who looks good or is rich, etc.

Get help if you have problems with communication. There are plenty of great resources available, in book, tape, seminar, therapy and on the Internet. Just remember that regardless of how strong the pain is, it'll be far worse if you don’t affect the difficulty at the foundation of this, which would require you to be an excellent communicator (luckily, this is often a learned skill and anyone can learn it!

If I miss out some points, you can suggest me in the comment box.

If you find this article helpful, then don’t forget to like and share.!!!

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