Coronavirus outbreak continues, the death toll in China has reached 80, confirming five cases in the US - Poonam Hub


Thursday 30 January 2020

Coronavirus outbreak continues, the death toll in China has reached 80, confirming five cases in the US

Coronavirus outbreak continues, the death toll in China has reached 80, confirming five cases in the US

The coronavirus, which has spread to more than 10 countries since China has grown to 80 in China. The Chinese government provided this information. At the same time, around 2300 people are affected by it all over China. At the same time, the US Health Agency has confirmed the outbreak of the deadly virus in five patients in the country.

A suspicious case has also been reported in Rajasthan. Tell us that war is being done in China to deal with the virus. In many major cities, even the exit of people have been banned.

Earlier, the first case of coronavirus in the US came out last Wednesday. The first case was confirmed in Seattle, USA. The first person infected with the coronavirus in the US came from Wuhan, China.

A suspected case of coronavirus has been reported in Rajasthan. State Health Minister Raghu Sharma gave this information on Sunday and informed that the patient has been kept apart. He said that after completing the MBBS course in China, a patient who returned to India was kept at an SMS hospital here on suspicion of being infected with the coronavirus.

He said that instructions have been given to screening all the family members of the patient. In an official statement, the minister said that the patient's blood sample has been sent to the National Virology Lab in Pune. He said that a total of 18 people from the four districts of the state have returned to India from China. The concerned district chiefs and health officials have been given instructions for their 24-hour monitoring.

Coronavirus outbreak continues, the death toll in China has reached 80, confirming five cases in the US

The death toll in China has increased to 56.

The Coronavirus, which has spread to more than 10 countries since China, has killed 15 more. According to the Health Commission of China, all deaths occurred in Wuhan, the city of China, which is the center of infection. 400 new infectious patients were hit on Saturday. By combining these, the Coronavirus has so far leaked to 56 people and nearly 2000 have been infected.

Out of these, 237 conditions are reported to be extremely poor. In addition, 1,965 people have been kept under suspicion as suspicious patients. While India told China, allow more than 250 Indian students trapped in Wuhan, the stronghold of the Coronavirus.

It is also affecting ordinary citizens. China stopped traffic in new cities on Saturday, after which 5.6 million people were imprisoned in their homes in 18 cities, their movement has stopped. In cities like Wuhan, where sanctions were already imposed, they have been tightened. Since midnight, all traffic has also been banned.

Roads connecting the highways to these cities have been closed. In some areas, supply trucks and buses have been allowed to travel on fixed routes. However, it has increased the problems for the citizens. A pregnant woman asked the Chinese government on social media that the delivery date is near, did she walk to the hospital on foot?

Wuhan's administration has claimed that it is providing essential facilities in hospitals, which are lacking. 40 more army doctors have been deployed in the closed cities, so far 450 army doctors have been deployed in this work. Goods received from foreign countries are excluded from tax.

In the Chinese capital, Beijing has found 34 infections. In China, the target is to build a 1,000-bed hospital in 10 days, with workers being paid three times the normal ($ 173 per day) wage. At the same time, a campaign has been launched to identify infected people across the country.

Under it, trains, buses, and planes are being investigated. In addition, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam announced a virus emergency on Saturday. They canceled all travel to China's mainland, flights and trains between Wuhan and Hong Kong have been stopped.

Coronavirus outbreak continues, the death toll in China has reached 80, confirming five cases in the US

Hong Kong: Bombs proposed building for coronavirus infections

In Hong Kong, protesters attacked a public building with a petrol bomb that was marked to temporarily keep coronavirus virus-infected or treat its workers. Hong Kong has declared a public emergency because of a virus that spreads through central China. This is the top level of warning in the city.

Six people have been confirmed to be infected with coronavirus in Hong Kong so far. However, the residents of the building where it was proposed to keep infected people protested outside the premises and some obstructed the way. Police said on Sunday that the protesters attacked the building premises with a petrol bomb.

The Health Protection center said that the proposal to keep infected in the building premises has been postponed. The agency has already set up a holiday park located in the countryside to keep infected.

Two Nepalese citizens suspected of being infected with coronavirus

After returning from China, two Nepalese citizens are being treated in a hospital here on suspicion of getting coronavirus symptoms. Sources said this on Sunday. According to information, a 48-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man are suspected of being infected with the coronavirus. He has been admitted to Sukararaj Tropical and Communicable Disease of the Ministry of Health here.

29,707 passengers checked till Sunday: Ministry of Health

More than 29,000 passengers arriving from 137 flights have been investigated in connection with coronavirus infection at seven airports in the country till Sunday but no case has been found positive so far.

The ministry tweeted, '29,707 passengers of 137 flights were examined. Today 4,359 passengers of 22 flights were examined. No case of coronavirus infection has been reported yet. '

In another tweet, the ministry said, "Due to the coronavirus case being confirmed in Nepal, India has increased alertness in districts adjacent to the Nepal border. Health teams have been deployed at Jhulaghat and Joljbi in Pithoragarh district in Uttarakhand on the border with Nepal. '

Chinese people ban sweets shops in Japan

Due to the coronavirus spread from China to the world, people are starting to discriminate against the Chinese because of fear and awe. People running a sweet shop in Japan has banned Chinese people from coming to the shop. They are afraid that they may get the virus. For this, it is written outside the regular shop that no Chinese citizen is allowed to enter the shop.

Chinese doctor claims, the virus spreads through the eyes

Chinese doctor Wang Guangfa says the coronavirus spreads through the eyes. Wang fears that he did not wear glasses in the hospital, which may lead to the infection. At the same time, scientists researching the disease, say that after touching the patient with the disease, the infection is spreading by touching your eyes with your hands.

In addition, scientists are making the person sick with access to the eyes, causing the sneezing and phlegm. Paul Kellum, a professor of virus genomics at Imperial College of London, says this is possible. The precaution is to wear masks for the nose and mouth and eyeglasses for the eyes. There is caution in this.

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