Business Tips: How to overcome obstacles that stop you from achieveing goals - Poonam Hub


Saturday 11 November 2017

Business Tips: How to overcome obstacles that stop you from achieveing goals

Business Tips: How to overcome obstacles that stop you from achieveing goals

Face it, if your life is full of stress, and your time consumed by things you don't enjoy, your chance of getting where you want to be is horribly reduced. If you somehow managed to get there despite those things, carrying them along with you will keep you from enjoying your goals.

You need to get rid of the clutter.

What exists in your life right now that won't exist in your perfect life?  What annoys you without giving anything positive back? What stresses, unpleasant relationships, environmental conditions, work issues, routines, commitments, etc?

List them all.

There are some types of things that should be dropped immediately.  The first group is things that you do because you're concerned about what others will think of you if you don't do them.

If your happiness depends on what someone else thinks of you, you'll never have control of your life. And you'll never be happy.

You can't please everyone. Trying is a sucker's game.


Another group is the things you do because "someone has to." Do they really? And if so, why you? What horrible thing would happen if you stopped doing them?

Commitments are more complicated. If you agreed to something, you need to make sure it's taken care of. Or find an honest way to get out of the commitment or get it fulfilled in some other way.

Note: I'm talking about commitments that you don't want. There are things each of us is committed to that we wouldn't be happier giving up.

Ask yourself for many of these: Did I really agree to this, or is it defined as a commitment by convention or default?

If you didn't agree to it, it's not a commitment. It's an expectation.

Someone else's expectation. And their problem.


Yet another group is "Stuff I paid for."

Hey - if you paid for it, you can drop it just as fast as you like. Don't throw good money (and time) after a bad investment or an interest  that's waned.

Maybe you paid with effort, and you want to try and make the thing work, despite all the proof that it won't. That's fine if it's something that really important to you. Just don't do it to avoid admitting a  mistake. There are better ways to live.

Failing to admit a mistake doesn't make it less of a mistake. It makes it more of one.


Now, take all the things you can get rid of immediately and put them on the "Things To Get Rid Of" list.

Whatever is left is likely something that involves a void to fill. Money to pay off debts or skills needed to alleviate shortcomings.

Put those on the "Main Goals" list, if they're real things that you need to be happy.

Remember, the only definition of what's important in your happiness is the one you set. What I or anyone else might think of it is completely unimportant.

If it makes you truly happy without actively interfering with someone else's life, it's what you should do.

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