Love Definition - Poonam Hub


Wednesday 10 February 2021

Love Definition

        Definition of love....

February 14 "Valentine's Day" This day is celebrated all over the world with great enthusiasm. We can give this sweet name in Marathi as 'Love Day'. "Love" ...... how sweet is this word! This is a word that everyone wants. And especially at a young age, this love has a different charm ..... if you ask someone what is love? So we see that everyone's definition of love is different. But what exactly is love?


What does a mother love for her children? Or the love that the sweetheart makes on her lover? Love is hidden in every relationship .... but love in every relationship is different. There is a big difference between the love that a mother has for her baby and the love that a lover has for her lover. But there is a difference between this love ....... it is that it explains the true meaning of life to a person, teaches him to live. Love of nature, love of nature, relationship, this whole creation is based on love. Think if there is no love in this world? Oh.......... what a horrible idea!

    But in this modern age, no one knows what love is. The boy and the girl talked on Facebook for two days and the same love happened. The boy gave gifts to the girl, took the drive and fell in love. But is this love real? Were we in love It's just an attraction. And that's what these crazy people think love is ...... and make life-destroying mistakes at a young age. Of course, I don't mean to say that you don't love ....... but really love. Respect your love in the society. Don't tarnish his / her reputation. Love unselfishly. Love means sacrifice. Don't slander love by throwing acid and doing such dirty deeds.

   Because it is very easy to love but ...... life takes less to fulfill it. Because love is a very delicate concept. Everyone should have true love in life ...... and then see how beautiful the world will be. Because love has so much power. It is said that 'love can conquer the whole world'. And there is so much power in love ... otherwise we wouldn't be able to live together. It is because of love that our commitment and the commitment of the society is maintained. I just think the definition of love in modern times should change. Love but do not do shameful deeds! And to do that, celebrate 'Love Day' in your culture rather than celebrating Valentine's Day in Western culture .......

      Happy Valentine's Day!

  Modern but old-fashioned young woman .......

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