How to strengthen immune system to avoid corona virus immediately - Poonam Hub


Wednesday 1 April 2020

How to strengthen immune system to avoid corona virus immediately

How to strengthen immune system to avoid corona virus immediately

If you want to avoid corona virus, then leave these five habits, keep yourself safe

The corona virus has caused a lockdown across the country. In such a situation, tell us that the people of corona infection are more people whose immune system is poor or weak. Gorakhpur District Hospital Doctor Physician Rajesh Kumar explains that people blame their food and drink when the immune system is weak, but it is not so. Let us tell you in the following article what causes the immune system to deteriorate.

Don’t stress

Do not let any stress on you due to any work. Due to excess stress, a steroid hormone called cortisol is released from your body, which affects your immune system.

Don’t smoke

Smoking is harmful for the body, so if you consume it in large quantities, it will directly affect your immune system. This increases the risk of corona.


Everybody is frozen in the house during lockdown, people lie in bed or chair all day long. This makes the activities of people negligible, which is wrong. This affects the immune system. Exercise and other work should be done even while staying at home.

Take a proper sleep

Adequate sleep is required to strengthen the immune system. During the lockdown, people are on the phone all day, this does not make people sleepy. This affects the immune system. During your stay at home, please complete your sleep.

Avoid alcohol

Nowadays a rumor is spreading on social media that people who drink alcohol will not have corona virus. This is absolutely wrong, you should not be under any illusion that by doing this you will be saved. Alcohol directly affects the immune.

This is all in this article. If you have any other points to stay away from corona then let me know in comment box.

Tags: coronavirus, coronavirus outbreak

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