Happy Health India 2020: How to start a healthy life and lose weight this year - Poonam Hub


Saturday 18 April 2020

Happy Health India 2020: How to start a healthy life and lose weight this year

Happy Health India 2020: How to start a healthy life and lose weight this year

Happy Health India 2020: How to start a healthy life and lose weight this year

Table of Contents 

  • Happy Health India 2020: How to start a healthy life and lose weight this year
  • Do not take carbs in your diet.
  • Do not believe in calories (calories in and out)
  • Stop thinking that calories increase weight. (Health tips in hindi for man body)
  • Don't be afraid to eat fat. 
  • Don't skip your breakfast. 
  • Don't try to skip your strength training. Include more protein in your diet. 
  • Try to eat less fruits and more vegetables. 
  • Do not copy anyone's diet.
  • Don't give up on diet just take a day break

Happy Health India 2020: How to start a healthy life and lose weight this year

Happy Health India 2020: New year is coming whether you have set goals about your health or not.

No matter if not. You all have some suggestions to bring more improvement to bring your health to the next level.

Here are some tips that you must follow if you want to achieve better health and fitness and lose weight by 2020 this year.

Do not take carbs in your diet.

Yes, do not take carbs; They will increase your insulin levels, which will make you more hungry throughout the day. And you will end up eating under stress.

Do not believe in calories (calories in and out)

Stop believing calories in and out because it never works, and the human body moves by hormones.

Calorie is the source of energy that burns. Now, what is the meaning here.
See a paper and wood also contain calories, now let's say. Just try to eat a paper. Now you can say why paper is asking to eat.

Now, what will happen here? There is nothing in your weight with paper that can produce.

Now eat a donut, and you will be able to change everything on your hormones, and you will give body fat, which will mess up your estrogen, insulin, testosterone and thyroid etc.

Stop thinking that calories increase weight. (Health tips in hindi for man body)

No, calories never increase weight, or insulin does not. Why?
Because when you spike it, your body is on the mood for storing weight and fat.

Don't be afraid to eat fat

Yes, don't be afraid of consuming fat because fat doesn't make you fat, 80% of people in the fitness world are obese because they believe that eating fat makes them fat because the word is the equivalent word and One should avoid eating carb-rich stuff that makes them constantly hungry and obese.

Don't skip your breakfast

I know that breakfast is your most important and first meal. When you get up, try to skip that breakfast because that is not the truth.

When you eat calories early in the morning, mainly carbs, you can reduce your insulin levels. , And you are going to stop the fat burning process for 6 to 12 hours depending on the quality of the food.

When your insulin levels are high, and you get carbs in your body When achieved, your body will concentrate your carbs as your primary source of energy, as they are your main fuel and rarely touch your fat stores, so you have to empty your carbs so that you start burning fat.

Don't try to skip your strength training. Include more protein in your diet. 

Yes, strength training is also more important. Do some workouts, join the gym and burn fat. Do not try to skip strength training because muscle weight is more than fat. You will look slimmer.

Include more protein in your diet

Yes.! Protein is more important for the body to get faster results. For that, keep your protein intake at about 1–1.5 grams per lbs. If you like eating chicken breast, I recommend you take it. It is the purest protein source for the human body.

Try to eat less fruits and more vegetables. 

Fruits are healthy, but they are still carbs; They will again increase your insulin levels rapidly. It does not matter that they carry natural sources of sugars. Because your body does not understand the source, it first increases your insulin, which leads to weight gain, so avoid fruits and replace it with more vegetables. .

Do not copy anyone's diet

Do not imitate the diet of any specific person. Because you are different, and everyone on this planet carries different genetics and insulin sensitivity and different gut bacteria. Your most reliable food is the keto diet because you will never understand how annoying you are for insulin and it How is messing with your hormones, especially when it comes down to stubborn fat.

Don't give up on diet just take a day break

If you are having problems after a diet, give yourself a day reward meal or break. So your leptin and Ghrelin improve as you have worked hard during your week.
And yes, this new year, do what you love and learn to appreciate what you are doing.

Tags: happy health India,  health and glow,  natural health tips,  health is wealth

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