Human health and disease all you want to know - Poonam Hub


Friday 17 April 2020

Human health and disease all you want to know

Human health and disease

Human health and disease all you want to know 

"The first happiness is the health of the body," that is, there is no more happiness than the health of the body, but with health many types of diseases surround the human body.

"Health is wealth"

The same meaning of disease - illness or any kind of pain or disorder arising in the body, this is called human disease.

Types of human diseases: 

Mainly human diseases are divided into two parts: -

# 1 congenital disease:

Under this, such diseases come, which enter the life of a human being with birth. Most of them start during pregnancy. Examples of this are the lip or cleft of the palate, the feet being bent, etc.

# 2 Acquired Disease:

Acquired diseases are diseases that make a person's body sick after birth due to various reasons. It is also divided into two parts: -

Infectious disease:

The major factors of this disease are believed to be germs, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microscopic creatures, they can spread easily through water, air, food or from one person to another, hence they are called infectious diseases.

Non-communicable diseases:

Under this, such diseases have been included which do not spread due to sitting or contact with a person, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, sugar, pain etc. Apart from this, inferior diseases, allergies, genetic diseases etc. fall in this category.

Various human diseases and their diagnosis:

Bacterial or bacterial diseases: -

Typhoid or Typhoid:

The main factor of this disease is a bacteria called Salmonella typhosa, which is targeted by the intestine of the patient, hence it is also called intestinal fever. In this, the body of the patient remains feverish and there is severe pain in the body and the spleen and intestines increase.


In this, chloromycetin medicine is used for treatment, medical consultation is mandatory. Special care should be taken for cleanliness and food should be kept away from flies.

Tuberculosis or TB:

The main factor of this disease is a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious disease, in which the patient has problems like high fever, loss of weight, loss of appetite, impaired digestive system. A healthy person should come in contact with them. It is also called kak disease or tuberculosis.

The Treatment:

Streptomycin is vaccinated in it, various new medicines are available in the modern era, due to which effective treatment is possible.


The main factors of this disease are rats because they are caused by the fleas present in the mice. The most dangerous flea name is Genopsala keopis, which targets the human body with ease and intensity. There are several types of plague as well, in which the person with gilt has swelling in the neck, thigh etc. In addition, pneumonic plague and septicemic plague can be fatal.

The Treatment:

Rats should be kept away from the habitat. Streptomycin and sulfadrugs etc. are effective medicines for this.


Its factor is a bacteria called Vibrio cholerae, which is present in flies. In this, the patient suffers from excessive diarrhea, vomiting etc. and there is an acute shortage of water in the body, due to which the body becomes very weak.

The Treatment:

Purify or boil water, drink it and get injected according to the doctor's advice.


It is an infectious disease caused by Coronibacterium diphtheri, which is present mostly in infected milk. In this, a membrane is formed in the respiratory pipe around the person, which causes difficulty in breathing and even death.

The Treatment:

Special care should be taken for cleanliness. Clothes of the patient should be washed with anti-bacterial liquid and DPT Should be injected.


Its factor is Bacillus tetany, also called lock jaw. Its bacteria enter a person's body through a wound. It starts causing pain and pain in the body.

The Treatment:

Tetanus should be vaccinated.

Leprosy :

The disease spreads due to a bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. In this, the tissues start getting destroyed and the body starts to spin.

The Treatment:

In this, MDT Medicines are used.


It is caused by bacteria called Diplococcus pneumoniae. There is high fever and swelling of lungs. Treatment with antibiotics is possible.

Hooping cough:

It is caused by a bacterium called Himophilis perfusis, but its vaccine is available.


It is caused by a bacterium called Niceria gonorrhea. There may be pain in the patient and infertility in the woman. Stay away from the infected patient.

Virus Disease:

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) AIDS:

The disease is caused by a virus called HIV. It is spread by having sex with an infected person, applying vaccines used by an infected person, or by consuming excessive drugs. In this, the immunity of the person decreases and swelling and pain remains in the body, so the patient dies.

Chicken pox:

This infected disease is also caused by virus. In this, the patient gets rash all over the body with pain, which later takes a terrible form. Vaccination should be done before the disease.


It is also called flu, it is caused by a virus called influenza. There are symptoms of high fever, body pain, cough etc.

The Treatment:

Antibiotics and doctor's advice should be taken.


This happens mostly in children, the spinal cord is destroyed in it. Polio drops and vaccination are mandatory at time-2.


This is called bone marrow fever, which is spread by the Rho virus. There is high fever and severe joint pain.

Jaundice or Hepatitis:

In this, yellow color is produced in the liver rapidly while the body is not able to excrete it at that speed. In this, the patient should take nutritious diet with comfort.

Rabies or Hydrophobia:

The disease is caused by the bite of a rabid dog or fox, which causes virus

Along with these diseases, diseases like meningitis, trachoma, measles, small mother, mumps or mumps are spread by viruses, but diagnosis of all is possible.

Fungal diseases:

Asthma or asthma, baldness, ringworm, itching, athlete's foot, etc. are spread by fungi or fungi.

Protozoan disease:

Sleep disease:

It is caused by a protozoa called triphenosima, in which the person experiences fatigue, pain and mental stress. Its parasite is present in the C flies, so it should be kept away from them.


This is due to a protozoa called Plasmodium that is present in the female anaphylase mosquito. It is possible to treat it with various medicines.

Along with this - 2 dysentery, kala azar, pyuria etc. are all protozoa related diseases.

Genetic disease:

This includes diseases like blindness, Himophilia, Turner syndrome, Mongolism or Down syndrome etc. These diseases arise due to inequality of Gunasutro and irregularity of meiosis.

Other diseases:

Other diseases include beri-beri, scurvy, filariasis, rickets, diabetes, heart attack, cancer, yellow fever, scirosis, gout, joint pain, hypertension, neurosis, paralysis, epilepsy, allergies, bird flu, swine flu etc.

Tags: human health and disease, health is wealth,  health and glow,  natural health tips

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