Lockdown fitness: how to be happy amidst corona crisis - Poonam Hub


Saturday 2 May 2020

Lockdown fitness: how to be happy amidst corona crisis

Lockdown fitness: how to be happy amidst corona crisis
Lockdown fitness: to be happy amidst corona crisis, to enjoy life in small thing
The corona virus epidemic has put the entire world into depression. News of deaths, lockdowns, fast-spreading infections, photos of people wearing masks. All are presenting a frightful scene.  

This epidemic has brought a great challenge to maintain the mental health of the people. In such a stressful and depression-prone situation, it is important to keep yourself healthy. We have prepared some tips for you by talking to psychiatrists around the world, who can help keep you happy in this difficult time. 
Share your attention
The issue which stresses you, it is easy to look at it again and again. But, it is not going to be good to continuously churn on this subject. Do something else to divert your attention. This helps a lot in controlling blood pressure. However, meditating is not an effective recipe for everyone. In such a stressful environment, people often start meditating. 

However, for many people, meditation does not prove effective. If you freeze your mind, then maybe you start churning on the same issue that was bothering you. It is difficult to divert attention from the subject of tension in the cycle of cleaning your mind. This is the reason why studies so far suggest that meditation is not helpful for everyone. To divert the attention of such people, any other recipe is needed apart from meditating.
Think about the situation afresh
How we feel our emotions depends on which direction we are thinking. Darren Brown writes in his book 'Happy', "If a player enters the playground thinking that he has to win, it is difficult to digest the defeat. Such players are deeply shocked." 

So, instead of seeing your victory in any case, think that you will try your best. In such a situation, even if the result is not according to you, it is easy to accept it. If they think that you will not fall ill, it will be difficult. So, imagine that you will follow social distancing. Will take care of your cleanliness. Stay in the house during lockdown. So, the situation will be favorable to you. Do not burden yourself with things you cannot control. 

The idea of always being happy will make life cumbersome for us. When we think only of our happiness, we cannot think of the happiness of those around us. Because of this you can cut others. Every time you fall apart in the craze of seeking happiness. And shared moments of happiness get out of your hands. 

Pay attention to small things
In her book Ten Minutes to Happiness, Sandy Man writes that every person should record the small and big experiences of his life in the form of a diary. She suggests that while searching for the answers to these six questions, every human being can seek his happiness- 

  1. What small things did you enjoy? 
  2. What praise or feedback did you get for your work? 
  3. What moments of good luck came in your life? 
  4. What were your small achievements? 
  5. What made you thankful? 
  6. How did you do your goodness? Obviously? 

There are two advantages of recording the answers of such questions in the daily diary. When we write these, we miss small things that give us pleasure. With this we also have a record of the smallest things from which we got happiness. We can be happy to remember them later also. 

Cleanliness is also an option, make balanced use of social media 
We are often unable to clean our house in the turbulence of life. The whole house is scattered, disorganized. The house can be decorated in spare time. If you are working from home, you can first peek into the corners of your bedroom or living room, where you are not usually seen. 

You can clean fridge or kitchen. By ignoring the kitchen, our hands often move towards things that do not benefit our health, such as junk food. If you renovate the kitchen and home, then many useless things will also get rid of and the house will also be improved.
These days you will see a flood of bad news on social media. But, for many people, being constantly connected to social media is necessary. For some, this is a compulsion of profession. So many people stay connected with their friends and family through social media. The solution to this difficulty can be that you stop the phone entry in the bedroom. Or follow it strictly by deciding when to stay away from mobile. 
Tags coronavirus, coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus tips

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