Natural Hair Care : Don't ignore these 8 things to get shiny and thick hair - Poonam Hub


Tuesday 11 May 2021

Natural Hair Care : Don't ignore these 8 things to get shiny and thick hair

We are doing new experiments to keep the hair healthy. Many people are wondering exactly how often to wash their hair regularly. What to do to keep hair shiny?

Many believe that frequent washing of the hair makes it look clean and shiny. Natural oils make hair shiny. However, regular washing of hair (Hair Care Tips) with chemical shampoos and conditioners is likely to reduce the natural oil in the hair. In addition, experts say that dry skin is more likely to be present. People with curly hair are more affected.


What to take care of?

Straight hair needs to be washed more often than curly hair. Straight hair is prone to dust and pollution. The sebum (natural oil) that forms near the hair follicles works to soften curly hair. If you wash your hair frequently or unnecessarily, it can become frizzy or frizzy, experts say.


- After washing your hair, try to dry it as naturally as possible.

- Avoid combing wet hair.

- Use a thick tooth comb to remove tangles.

Some special tips for washing hair

- Use a mild shampoo to prevent hair loss.

- Create the right hair care routine for care.

- Take care of your hair by recognizing the texture and need of your hair. Doctors recommend washing your hair at least twice a week.

Straight hair needs to be washed more often than curly hair.

- Sweating after workout causes bad breath. Hair can become dull due to perspiration. So prefer to wash your hair after coming out of the gym.

Dry shampoo will help

Attend a scheduled meeting? No time to wash hair? Dry shampoo is being used to bring a fresh look to the hair in just a few minutes. The use of dry shampoo is on the rise. This shampoo absorbs dust and excess oil from the hair and keeps the hair fragrant. Although dry shampoo is not for daily use, spray shampoo will definitely help you to attend parties or important meetings

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