The Influence Of Immunity Boosting Schedule - Poonam Hub


Friday 7 May 2021

The Influence Of Immunity Boosting Schedule


The Influence Of Immunity Boosting Schedule

Virus will lose and immunity will be the strongest, this should be your schedule during your stay at home:

Here we will talk about the simple routine tasks and their effects, which you can do at home and prepare your body to fight Covid-19. Learn, what activity helps in making your body strong.

Due to Corona Virus infection, most companies have given work from home (WFH) to their employees. So the industries in which this was not possible have sent their employees on leave. Now it is important to know how you can increase your immunity by staying at home.

Benefits of protein diet rich breakfast:

Take protein diet for breakfast- Protein provides L-Arginine amino acid to our body, which helps to generate helper T-cells in our body. These T-cells give energy to our immune enhancing cells. You can eat porridge, boiled salad salad, whole grains and sprouts for breakfast.

This is how T-Sales works

Helper T-cells made from L-Arginine amino acids are the first to be found with any virus or bacteria that has entered our body. She observes the virus and produces a kind of blue print. Immunity then gives the cells a blue print of the virus and tells them what kind of antibodies need to be made to protect the body.

Spend some time in the sun

Spend some time in the roof or balcony of the house during the sun. During this time, you can read your favorite books or take a stroll. It is important to spend time in the sun because sunlight works to give energy to the T-cells which help in the fight due to infection in our body.


Meditate and be happy

Meditation keeps our brain calm and increases the production of Happy Hormones. These hormones help to free the other cells of our body, which makes the body strong from within and makes the immune cells easier to identify the body parts affected by the virus. In addition, immune cells are able to attack the virus with full power.


Try to be happy like this

Staying stress-free increases our immunity in many ways. For this, you can take help of dance, music, meditation, bhajan-kirtan and favorite books. Try to be as happy as possible. Because being happy increases the production of endorphins in our body, which relaxes us. Immunity increases automatically when the body relaxes.


Do yoga and exercise

It has been proved in many studies that people who exercise 5 to 6 days a week, the chances of getting cold and sore throat are reduced by 50 percent compared to those who do not exercise. Exercise boosts our body's immune system and rapidly builds blood cells (WBCs). These blood cells work to kill the virus that has reached the body.


Get 8 to 9 hours of sleep

Sleep helps our body in the distribution of immune cells. That is, during sleep, it becomes easy for our immunity system to find the place of infection and reach the immune cells there. These immune cells then work to eliminate those viruses. In this way, sleep helps in increasing the immunity of the body.


These are also the benefits of complete sleep

Sleep helps our body in the production of immune cells that fight infection. That is, to help eliminate the virus or bacteria that has entered our body, it helps to identify what kind of antibodies the body should produce.

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