Coronavirus LIVE world: A record 627 deaths a day in Italy - Poonam Hub


Saturday 21 March 2020

Coronavirus LIVE world: A record 627 deaths a day in Italy

Coronavirus LIVE world: A record 627 deaths a day in Italy
The number of corona-infected patients has reached around 245000 worldwide, while around 10,000 people have died. So far 86000 people have fully recovered. Most of the deaths have been recorded in Italy. In Germany, 3000 new cases of corona have been reported in 24 hours. On Friday, 149 more people have died in Iran. Read here all the updates related to corona worldwide ...

Detailed Report

In Italy, the death toll due to Corona virus is increasing at rocket speed. On Friday, a record 627 deaths were recorded in a single day in Italy due to the epidemic. Due to this, many new types of restrictions have been announced in the country. On the other hand, orders have been issued to all of them to remain closed in the UK, declaring a lockdown after the death of 33 people in a single day.

The death toll in Italy has increased to 4,032, while the number of infected people has also risen from 41,035 to 47,021. The northern region of Lombardy has been most affected by the virus. There have been 2,549 deaths in the region, while 22,264 people have been infected.
After 627 deaths on Friday, Italy has also announced a ban on walking in the parks and jogging or walking on bikes and bicycles. The average age of people dying in Italy is 79.5. Due to this, the elderly are being asked to take extra precautions.

Civil Protection Chief Angelo Borelli told local media in Rome that the number of deaths in the next one week is unlikely to decline. Only after that the effect of the lockdown is likely to be seen.

78 more dead in France

In France, 78 more people have died due to the Corona virus. Now in France the death toll due to this dangerous virus has increased to 450.

Brazil expressed the possibility of zero percent growth

Due to Corona virus, Brazil has predicted the rate of growth to be zero in the year 2020. Explain that the corona is affecting the economy of the world as well as humans.

Coronavirus LIVE world: A record 627 deaths a day in Italy
13 doctors dead in Italy, more than 2,500 medical workers in danger

Corona infection in Italy has so far targeted 13 doctors. DailyMail reported that five doctors recently succumbed in a single day. Apart from this, 2,629 medical personnel of the country are also suffering from it. According to the Italian National Federation of Doctors Guild, it has been said that more than eight percent of the country's cases are from these medical personnel.

In view of the deepening crisis of Corona, the government has extended the blockade of the country for the remaining days of March. The doctors who died included the doctor who had expressed fear that sometime ago, the crisis could deepen if Corona infection increased in the country. The doctor named Marcello Natalee said in a TV interview in Milan some time ago that the country does not have sufficient gloves and the country is not ready to face the disaster.

California diocese completely closed, 400 million people home imprisoned

California, America's most populous province, has been ordered to shut down completely. With this, the population of four crore of the state will be closed in the houses. State Governor Gavin Newsom issued the order, saying it would help America fight Corona. So far 19 people have died here and 900 people have been found infected.

He also warned that if caution is not taken, more than half of the population of the province may be affected in the next two months. The order states that gas stations, medicine, food shops will remain open and government services such as banks, local government offices will remain open. He also expressed the apprehension that 56 percent or more than 55.5 million population of the state may fall within the next eight weeks.

Argentina will be completely closed

In Argentina, the government has implemented a nationwide detention order. It is the first country in South America to do so. Now people will be able to go out only for necessary work. President Alberto Fernandez announced that the country would remain under blockade till March 31 and the government would not give any relaxation in this. Given the difficult times caused by Corona, difficult orders have been made. But it will be within the scope of democracy. He informed that the government has already closed borders, schools and flights.

Army will be launched in Malaysia

The armed forces of Malaysia will be launched on the streets to help the police. Chief of the Defense Forces General Ten Siri Afendi Buenag said that the Army, Navy and Air Force would work under a committee. There is already a ban on all citizens in the country from going out and participating in social events.

65,000 retired doctors, nurses in UK appeal to return to work

To cope with the deepening crisis in Britain, the government has written to 65,000 doctors and nurses, requesting that they come back to work in this difficult time. Not only this, it has been decided to hire final year students studying medical and nursing.

Everything stopped in Britain since Friday night

In Britain, the number of people suffering from the corona virus increased from 3269 to 3983 on Friday. After the death toll due to the virus reached 177, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the closure of everything in the country from Friday night. From Saturday, only essential services will be available in the UK. The public is prohibited from leaving their homes.

Prince William has also appealed to the general public to listen to the government's advice. William, along with his wife Kate, who met the ambulance staff at the National Health Service's call center in Croydon, South London, praised the health workers for fighting the epidemic.

Coronavirus LIVE world: A record 627 deaths a day in Italy
Sri Lanka implemented curfew

In view of the growing impact of the Corona virus, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced a curfew in Sri Lanka on Friday. This decision, taken after the postponement of parliamentary elections, will be applicable throughout the country.

Death toll reached one thousand in Spain

The outbreak of the corona virus epidemic is increasing rapidly in Spain as in its neighboring country. With 213 new deaths on Friday, the death toll in the country reached 1044. Apart from this, after the confirmation of 2335 new patients of infection there, the total patients have also crossed 20 thousand.

3000 new cases of corona in 24 hours in Germany

In Germany, 2,958 new cases of corona virus were reported within 24 hours, thus 13,957 people have been infected with this virus in this European country. Germany's Ministry of Health has given this information. At the same time, 31 people have died due to this deadly virus. It killed 11 people within 24 hours.

149 people died in Iran

149 more people died in Iran on Friday. So far 1,433 people have died in Iran. Deputy Health Minister Alireza Raisi has given this information. At the same time, 1,237 new cases of corona virus have been reported in the last 24 hours, thus 19,644 cases of corona virus have been reported in Iran.

Coronas case accelerates again in Taiwan

On Friday, 27 new cases of corona virus were reported in Taiwan, the highest number of cases a day. Twenty-four of the new cases are from countries including the UK, US, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium and the Philippines, according to Taiwan's Center for Disease Control. So far 135 people have been found infected with corona in Taiwan and one person has died.

Indonesia's capital Jakarta declares two-week emergency

Indonesia's capital Jakarta has declared a two-week emergency in view of the rising outbreak of the Corona virus. Public entertainment means have been banned since Monday, as well as limiting public transport.

Corona cases rise again in Hong Kong, 48 new patients increased in a single day

Hong Kong on Friday confirmed 48 new cases of corona virus. This is the highest increase in a day after an outbreak of the virus. Traveling history of 36 of these 48 people shows that these people traveled to Singapore, UK, US, Canada, Thailand and Switzerland. So far in Hong Kong, 257 people have been found infected with the corona virus, of which 106 patients are stable and one is in critical condition.

Corona Worldwide ...

  • Pandemic now in 183 countries with 06 new countries
  • 2,67,871 patients have become victims worldwide
  • 11,194 deaths due to this epidemic
  • 90,603 patients recover after treatment worldwide

Tags: coronavirus, coronavirus updates in world, coronavirus in world

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