coronavirus updates: 10 Things to be followed when you are travelling through public transport - Poonam Hub


Wednesday 11 March 2020

coronavirus updates: 10 Things to be followed when you are travelling through public transport

coronavirus updates: 10 Things to be followed when you are travelling through public transport

Corona virus figures reach 60 in India, know what precautions are necessary in the journey of cab, metro, bus

On the day of Holi, 18 new cases of corona virus were reported. If you use public transport, keep these things in mind.

Coronavirus infection is increasing rapidly in India. According to data received by the night of 10 March, its number of patients has reached 62. On the day of Holi, 18 new cases were reported, out of which 8 were reported from Kerala, 5 from Maharashtra, 4 from Karnataka and 1 from Jammu and Kashmir. Corona virus test positive was also found in a cab driver from Pune. On March 1, the cab driver left Pune from Mumbai Air Port, a couple who returned from Pune, had already confirmed the corona virus.

Kerala is most affected

The highest number of cases of corona virus has been reported in the country from Kerala, where so far 17 people have been affected by the virus. Although 3 of these have also been fixed, yet the government and administration are fully prepared and the state has been locked down. All schools and cinema halls in Kerala are said to be closed by the end of the month.

In India, crores of people travel daily by public transport like cab, bus, auto, metro, train etc. In such a situation, it is important for you to know what you need to keep in mind while using these public transport to avoid the corona virus ie COVID-19.

coronavirus updates: 10 Things to be followed when you are travelling through public transport

It is important to take care of these things

If you have any problem like cough, cold, fever, difficulty in breathing, then avoid traveling by public transport. In such a situation, apply a mask on the mouth and get examined and treated by contacting your nearest health center. 

While traveling in cab and auto, make sure that you do not touch the driver or the body parts of the vehicle. Keep a small sanitizer bottle with you. After money transaction and closing the cab door, clean your mouth with alcohol based hand sanitizer.

If you use public transport daily, then wherever you get convenience, wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If this is not possible, at least keep alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you and clean your hands thoroughly after touching anything. 

While traveling in cab and taxi, make sure that your driver does not feel sick. . If so, you can change the cab or travel only after putting a mask on your mouth. 

Keep in mind that if one of your hitchhikers is coughing or sneezing frequently while traveling in metro, bus and train. Keep a distance of at least 1 meter and instruct him to sneeze or cough with a handkerchief or tissue paper over his mouth.

Keep in mind that do not touch railings, doors, holders, seat covers, dustbins, washroom taps, sinks, etc. in the premises of the bus station, metro station or railway station and in the train. If you have to touch them, then at least do so without forgetting that you do not touch the mouth, nose and eyes with your hands. 

Avoid touching the lift button or anything where people put their hands the most. 

Huh. You can press the lift button or use the stairs using your knees or elbows. 

Masks need more than healthy people who are sick because the virus is spread by their sneezing, coughing. If you are ill, then you have to put a mask on your mouth. Otherwise the virus can spread to your family, friends and hitchhikers.

Tags: coronavirus,  cobid-19, prevention from coronavirus,  coronavirus cases in India,  coronavirus in India latest numbers,  coronavirus and public transport safety instructions.

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