Home Remedies For Vitamin D In Winter And Health Benefits - Poonam Hub


Wednesday 8 January 2020

Home Remedies For Vitamin D In Winter And Health Benefits

Home Remedies For Vitamin D In Winter And Health Benefits

If the body is unable to get vitamin D in winter, then these five home remedies will definitely be tried.

In the winter, the body does not get vitamin D due to lack of sunlight. In such a situation, home remedies can prevent the cold, know and try, there will be great benefits.

To protect against cold, the doctors recommend more fluid intake rather than the solid food. Talking to Dietician Manisha of Government Multispeciality Hospital, Sector 16, says that turmeric milk and vegetable soup, as well as lemonade and lemon tea, can provide warmth to the body. At the same time, those who like non-veg are being advised to eat fish and egg instead of mutton, because vitamin D and protein are found in high quantity in it.

Chutney sauce will save you from cold

Chutney sauce will save you from cold

Excessive use of vitamin C in cold strengthens the body's immunity. In such a situation, consuming lemon and gooseberry will prove to be very beneficial. Manisha said that gooseberry and mint sauce can be used. Apart from this, eating lemon by adding ginger, coriander leaves and chili sauce will also benefit. At the same time, lemon tea will benefit instead of milk tea. It is also beneficial to use garlic in chutney.

Benefits of turmeric and milk are many

Benefits of turmeric and milk are many

Due to the absence of sunlight in the cold, the body usually does not get vitamin D for several days. You must drink milk to prevent such a situation. If possible, warm and add turmeric in milk. The body will get heat by turmeric, also with the help of antibiotics and allergic properties help you from antioxidants and other infections of the body.

Take a handful some nuts

Take a handful some nuts

Consuming dry fruits also provides relief in cold. According to Manisha, a handful of nuts should be taken daily but not a few. This may include almonds, cashews, raisins, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin, watermelon, and sunflower seeds. Walnuts and almonds will be beneficial for the patient of diabetes.

Oatmeal and soup will make health

Oatmeal and soup will make health

Eat light meals at night, it would be better to take Millet polenta, sweet or salty porridge. Take butter instead of desi ghee. Instead of taking fruit juice, take the vegetable soup. Beet, cabbage, radish, capsicum, broccoli along with spinach can be used in salads as well as soups.

Do not consume them

Do not consume them

Tinned food, alcohol consumption, over-roasted and spicy foods, cold and soft drinks, red meat

That is all in this article. If I miss out some points, you can suggest me in the comment box.

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