Acid Reflux in Children | Symptoms, Causes and Prevention - Poonam Hub


Friday 28 February 2020

Acid Reflux in Children | Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Acid Reflux in Children | Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Even young children may have acidity problems, know what are its symptoms, causes and prevention tips. Symptoms of acidity are very common in young children and infants. Learn how to protect children from acid reflux.

Acid Reflux in Children | Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Many times the children vomit repeatedly and cry continuously. Mothers are often aware of such situations so try to calm the baby by patting her back or drinking water. But do you know that these symptoms can be of acidity? Yes, acidity is generally considered an illness of the elders. But the lifestyle and diet of today are affecting our health so much that even small children have started getting diseases which were earlier considered only diseases of the elders. Ignoring the acidity problem in children can make them and you quite upset. So today we are telling you some important things about it.

Why is there acidity?

There is a special valve at the entrance of our stomach, which is made of muscle rings. This is called the lower esophageal sphincter LES. Usually, as soon as we eat something, this valve opens and closes automatically after the food has gone inside. But many times the valve is opened to bring the food inside, but if it is not closed properly or a little part is left, then the acid made by the stomach to digest food goes out of the stomach and reaches in the part of the chest. Sometimes this condition is called acidity. But if this happens again and again, then it is called acid reflux disease. This disease is called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. This problem can happen to any person of any age.

Symptoms of acidity in children

Frequent and frequent vomiting,
frequent coughing,
refusal to drink or eat milk,
milk or food stuck in the throat,
burning sensation,
pain in the stomach,
persistent crying after eating,
sour or pungent taste in mouth

Acid Reflux in Children | Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

How to protect young children from acid reflux?

Do not lie down the baby immediately after feeding.

If you are laying the baby, then put a pillow to raise the head for a short time.

After feeding the milk, keep the baby upright for at least 30 minutes, So that the acid does not come out of the stomach.

Feed the baby as much as it is hungry. Overeating or drinking can also cause acid reflux.

How to prevent acid reflux in slightly older children?

Do not let children sleep or lie down for at least 2 hours after eating.

Feed dinner early, so that the children can play or sit.

It is better to feed the children 3 times a day then you can feed a little food several times a day.

Keep in mind that a child needs or Does not eat more than age.

High fat, fried and spicy food, tea, coffee, cold drink, etc. should be taken at least to the child. Consumption of these can also cause acid reflux problems.

If I miss out some points, you can suggest me in the comment box.

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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. We do not claim responsibility for this information.

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