6 reasons: family dinner works - Poonam Hub


Thursday 13 February 2020

6 reasons: family dinner works

6 reasons: family dinner works

You know that it's important for your family to have dinner together as often as possible, but you might be surprised to find out exactly how important it is.

The most obvious answer is that it benefits your relationship with your kids. Since many families are overwhelmed with busy schedules these days, sitting down to dinner on a consistent basis gives families a chance to "check-in" during the day.

The benefits of family dinners don't stop there. According to research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, kids who sit down to dinner on a regular basis are less likely to engage in many dangerous behaviors.

The study says that the more often kids eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to:

Drink, smoke or use drugs illegally

Have sex before adulthood

Commit suicide

6 reasons: family dinner works

Plus, the study found, children who dine with their parents more often are MORE likely to:

Eat healthier and maintain a healthy weight.

Be emotionally healthy.

Get better grades in school.

In my family, we sit down for dinner together at least five to six nights a week, most weeks. Then again, my kids are all under the age of 13. As families grow and as children get older, this whole family dinner thing can get a little tougher to accomplish.

The primary reason many families skip the "sit down" dinner is because they're busy and often going in all different directions. It's a normal part of our society, really. Still, if that's the case in your household, try scheduling at least one family dinner night each week.

For example, when I was growing up (especially during my tween and teen years), we often ate on the run and on our various schedules--but everyone knew that Sunday dinner was not optional and always made plans to be there.

6 reasons: family dinner works

This can be a little difficult at first, especially when your family isn't accustomed to it, but don't give up. Remember, dinner doesn't have to be fancy. Soup and sandwiches are okay--as long as you're sitting down together.

The lifelong benefits far outweigh the temporary trouble--and who doesn't want a happier, healthier and more productive family?

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