Relationship Tips: 6 health losses after Break-up you may go through - Poonam Hub


Saturday 29 February 2020

Relationship Tips: 6 health losses after Break-up you may go through

Relationship Tips: 6 health losses after Break-up you may go through

Love also has a bitter truth breakup. Nowadays, a breakup may seem to be the most anticipated end of any relationship, but whatever it may be, it is always painful. Being in a relationship is always a roller coaster ride. Break-up has an effect on the heart and mind of the people as well as the body. Some people have to face a lot of physical problems, not only mental but also post-breakup symptoms. At the same time, the first activity that occurs in the body after a breakup is the increase of the stress hormone 'cortisol'. Similarly, you can experience other changes in the body, let's know about these changes.

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6 Body changes after a breakup

Relationship Tips: 6 health losses after Break-up you may go through

Intense Craving and Emotional Eating

According to a Columbia University study, when you miss someone deeply, your body accepts it as a craving. It is amazing that parts of the brain are affected in many ways during this time. Many times we feel cut off from people, which makes us alone and it also promotes emotional eating. Many people have several types of intense craving due to being in stress, such as sudden sweet food or spicy food. At the same time, this type of food can increase your weight and can also bother you in many ways. Make new friends or find a new hobby where your mind is set.

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Skin problems

Love makes you glow, but breakups can make you have dull skin. It is not surprising In such a situation, problems related to acne and grains may increase on your face. In this case, take special care of your skincare, follow your skincare routine as before. Even if you care least about yourself during a breakup, make sure that you do not ignore your skin related problems. Drink lots of water and also go for a skin spa session.

High blood pressure

Since our body and mind go through trauma after a breakup, we are at risk of having high blood pressure. Disturbed by sleep disturbances, high blood pressure also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Just as you are putting yourself in pain, high blood pressure can give you a severe headache. At the same time, choose a healthy lifestyle. Meditation and a proper diet can help reduce blood pressure. If these problems are happening continuously, then avoid being alone. Try to spend more time with friends.

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Physical pain

Heartbreak causes real physical pain. It can also cause stomach problems, nausea, headaches, etc. Many studies show that when people were shown pictures of their former colleagues, their emotions affected the same part of the brain that controls physical pain. It also means that when their partner is not with them, then that part of the brain remains affected, due to which you may feel pain throughout the body. For this go to a massage session at your favorite spa. You can also try some light stretches.

Weak immune system

Research shows that when undergoing such trauma, excessive stress and loneliness weaken your immune system. This, in turn, can cause colds and flu. For this, consider adding more vitamin C rich foods in your diet. Fruits like oranges are a good choice. Also, keep yourself stress-free by paying attention to comedy serials and films.



It is the most common of all other post-breakup symptoms. After a breakup, you spend the night without closing your eyes. You stay awake for many nights. Your sleep cycle gets spoiled and thus you can fall ill. There may be an imbalance in your hormones due to not sleeping. Stress may increase further. Create a bedtime routine for this and follow it every night. Take a hot bath before going to bed. Having chamomile tea can also help. Listen to light music or read books and try to sleep.

If I miss out some points, you can suggest me in the comment box.

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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. We do not claim responsibility for this information.

Tags: break up, break up with your girlfriend, after break up, relationship break up, relationship tips, love tips, dating tips

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