Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips - Poonam Hub


Friday 14 February 2020

Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips

Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips

My family is officially experiencing our first official summer vacation. I knew it was going to be difficult having all 4 kids home every day, not just for myself, but the kids as well. Sibling squabbles and boredom have set in with full force, and we still have over 2 months left to go until the start of the new school year. After the first week of summer vacation, I knew right away that I had to come up with a plan to keep the kids occupied and to keep my sanity in the process.

Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips

Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips

Retaining Information

I was reading with my kids about a week after school let out and was surprised to see how quickly they were losing the information they had learned throughout the year, and it had only been a week! I knew right away, this had to be my first goal for the summer vacation.

I bought workbooks from the store and set up daily plans for each kid to practice what they learned this past school year. After seeing how quickly the kids lost the information they learned, I think all parents should take the time to do this during the summer vacation. It's keeping the kids' minds active and they are having fun in the process. Plus, they are so anxious to go back to school this gives them a little taste of school life at home, which decreases the constant "do we have school tomorrow?"

Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips

Curing Boredom

I've also planned out daily activities to do with the kids in the afternoon. It allows me to spend time with them and keep them occupied. It gives them something to seem forward to each afternoon. I have activities planned, such as baking, crafts, and board games. It's a fun way to pass the time in the afternoon and spend time with the kids too.

Surviving Summer Vacation: 3 Pro Tips

Cutting the Chaos

I noticed very quickly the days were chaotic with no schedule per say. With school, they know the routine for how the days went, so each day flew by. But, with summer vacation it was just a huge hectic mess, and the days seem to drag by.

So, I created somewhat of a summer routine, which has made a life for me and the kids easier. We do certain things at certain times during the day so the kids have learned what to expect during the day. This has cut back the chaos and the days are no longer filled with as much "I'm bored."

So, 3 weeks into summer vacation I'm still here. It's much harder than I thought it would be with all the kids home all day every day but it's not too bad.

If I miss out some points, you can suggest me in the comment box.

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Tags: Summer Vacation

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