Nirbhaya Case: Demand to stop the execution of the convicts on February 1, the lawyer filed a court petition - Poonam Hub


Friday 7 February 2020

Nirbhaya Case: Demand to stop the execution of the convicts on February 1, the lawyer filed a court petition

Nirbhaya Case: Demand to stop the execution of the convicts on February 1, the lawyer filed a court petition

Advocate for Nirbhaya convicts AP Singh filed an application in the Patiala House Court and demanded a stay on the hanging on February 1. The mercy plea of the guilty Vinay is said to be pending. On Wednesday, Vinay Sharma, who was involved in the convictions of Nirbhaya gang rape and murder, had filed a mercy petition with the President.

This is the second mercy petition out of the four convicts, which has been filed with the President. Earlier, the President has rejected Mukesh's mercy petition. Due to the mercy plea of convict Vinay Sharma reaching the President, questions are now arising that will the convicts of Nirbhaya still be hanged on February 1? This is being speculated because consistent with the choice of the Supreme Court after the mercy petition is rejected, the convict is given 14 days' time.

Vinay Sharma, one of the convicts of Nirbhaya gang rape and murder, has filed a mercy petition with the President on Wednesday. This is the second mercy petition out of the four convicts, which has been filed with the President. Earlier, the President has rejected Mukesh's mercy petition. In the mercy petition sent to the President, Vinay Sharma has written another application to the President.

In which he wants to inform his objection to the President through his lawyer AP Singh. Vinay said in his application that he wants to inform the President what proportion of mental harassment he has suffered during his stay in jail. Vinay has requested the President to inform him whatever time is acceptable, in order that his lawyer AP Singh can put his side before the President verbally.

Nirbhaya Case: Demand to stop the execution of the convicts on February 1, the lawyer filed a court petition

Also, Vinay Sharma in his mercy plea filed before the President, pertaining to meeting his mother and father, said that he didn't want to live, but when he came to meet his parents and he said that son, seeing you we are alive. Since then I even have given up the thought of dying. Vinay said within the mercy petition that my father and mother said that you simply stay alive for us.

The Supreme Court will hear on Thursday the curative petition of Akshay Singh, who is involved in the convictions of Nirbhaya rape and murder. A bench of five judges will hear Akshay's plea in these chambers at 1 pm on Thursday

The bench of judges will consist of Justice NV Ramana, Justice Arun Mishra, Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman, Justice R Bhanumathi and Justice Ashok Bhushan. Earlier, the Supreme Court has dismissed the curative petition of the guilty Mukesh and Vinay. Before this, the guilty Mukesh was shocked by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected the petition filed against the President's dismissal of the petition.

On rejecting the petition, Nirbhaya's mother said, "We have gone one step further, have moved closer to the decision and hope that they're going to be hanged soon on February 1." Those people will play legal games until the final hangings are done. I am absolutely satisfied with today's decision, because the way the decision is coming to the Supreme Court, again and again, this petition is coming, so the Supreme Court is also watching and we also heard and heard them. The decision was safe yesterday. The Supreme Court wants me to get justice at the earliest.

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