Government to suggest homeopathy treatment to avoid coronavirus - Poonam Hub


Saturday 8 February 2020

Government to suggest homeopathy treatment to avoid coronavirus

Government to suggest homeopathy treatment to avoid coronavirus

The Union Government's AYUSH Ministry has issued measures for the prevention of Coronavirus. Research Councils of the Ministry have issued suggestions based on Indian traditional medicine systems Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Unani.

Government to suggest homeopathy treatment to avoid coronavirus

The Ministry of AYUSH has suggested some measures for prevention management as per Ayurvedic traditions. These measures include maintaining personal hygiene, washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Also in Ayurvedic remedy, it is said that ShadangPania (Musta, Parpat, Ushir, Sandalwood and Nagar) drink processed water (boil 10 grams of powder in one liter of water, till it reduces to half). Store it in a bottle and drink when thirsty.

Apart from this, it has been said that without washing hands, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. It has also been said that people who are ill should avoid close contact. Stay home when you are sick. Cover your mouth during a cough or sneeze and wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing.

The name of the advisory issued is "Homeopathy for Prevention of Coronavirus Infection", which describes how home remedies are effective in warding off the virus. Let us tell you, 170 people have died in China due to this virus.

Let us tell you, this virus has spread from the seafood and animal market in Wuhan, China, which is being called Epicenter of the virus. This virus, which started from Wuhan, is spreading rapidly in other countries of the world. However, till now no cure has been found to stop the virus and researchers are constantly trying to make Vaccine.

Countries all over the world are trying to fight this virus and in the meantime, the advisory of the AYUSH ministry has been victimized by trolling on social media. Most of the medical background people are tweeting and questioning the ministry on this advisory of Ayush ministry. One user wrote, "I want to know if any homeopathy and Unani student has read about microbiology?"

At the same time, many questioned whether Unani medicine can stop this infection. One user wrote, "Is this true? Can homeopathy and Unani medicine be used to prevent infection, as it has been claimed ''. Another wrote, "There is a claim to prevent coronavirus from the long list of never-used homeopathy and Unani medicines."

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