4 Tips to prepare older children welcome new baby - Poonam Hub


Monday 17 February 2020

4 Tips to prepare older children welcome new baby

4 Tips to prepare older children welcome new baby

Inspired by my 4-year-olds imagination, I thought today we would cover how to explain to young children new babies in the family. It can be a very confusing time for young children and they can be packed full of questions-- especially the older kids.

When I first found out I was pregnant with a baby we had explained to my oldest, the baby was growing in my tummy. Shortly afterward, he got really upset while I was eating lunch and he had a huge meltdown. He screamed at me to stop eating because the food was falling on the baby's head and hurting it. I then realized this was going to be a much more complicated situation than I had thought.

After consulting with my mother to come up with an age-appropriate response, I explained to him the baby lived in a bubble. This bubble (which is actually not too far from the truth) protects the baby and all the food I eat just bounces off, leaving the baby unharmed. Surprisingly, this doused his concerns and left him satisfied. Now, I know this may not work with every child, so what are some other ways, you can satisfy a young child's concerns about a new baby?

Let Them Express Their Feelings

Welcoming a new sibling into the world can be a very scary, confusing, and exciting time for the older siblings. When my youngest child found out he was going to have a new brother, he was less than thrilled- especially since it was not the dinosaur he was hoping for. Make sure you let your other children express their feelings no matter what they are. Address any concerns, questions, or other issues your older children may have. Make sure they know, although things will be changing, your love for them never will.

Prepare Them For What's Ahead

Take individual time with the older siblings to prepare them for what is coming. During the pregnancy, let them see their baby pictures and explain to them how they have grown and changed over the years. You can go on the Internet and show them how a baby develops through the pregnancy process.
Let the older siblings help prepare for the baby. Take them on a special shopping trip to allow them to pick out clothes, toys, and other things needed for their new baby sibling. This will get them both interested and excited in the process.

Where Do Babies Come From?

Even though we dread the question, it's one we can not avoid. When asked where do babies come from, you don't have to get into the whole bird's and the bee's discussion. Instead, use the Internet again to find kid suitable images to show a baby inside a uterus. Although it may leave them with more questions, the basics will be covered and you will not have to have that awkward conversation so soon.

4 Tips to prepare older children welcome new baby

How are Babies Born?

This is another question that can not be avoided. If you are lucky and your children are like mine, they will be completely satisfied with the fact the bubble pops and the baby shoots out. If they aren't, there is something you can do. Often, the discovery health channel has specials that show water births. Allow your child to view one of these births. What's nice about the discovery channel is they blur the actual process out. It will give them a basic idea but not the full details. It's enough to satisfy their curiosity. If you don't have the discovery health channel, try to YouTube water births. Just make sure you preview them by yourself first to make sure they are kid-appropriate.

Although welcoming a new baby into the family can be a very exciting time for parents, it can be a very awkward time for the other children in the family already. Make sure they remain an active part of the pregnancy to prepare them for all the changes ahead.

If I miss out some points, you can suggest me in the comment box.

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